Every year new technology is coming and replacing old technology. The technology is rapidly changing in digital marketing. Top digital marketing channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube have introduced new features.

Here is a list of all new features which is very useful for digital marketing:

1. Artificial intelligence

In digital marketing, artificial intelligence is used for the decision-making process. It is a machine learning process, which AI analysis the contents on social media pages like, analysis competitors pages and generates a report to make a decision.

Everyone talks about artificial intelligence (AI) but few understand it. Think of AI as a bunch of computers that can analyze things rapidly. They are able to better understand behaviors and patterns by going through data.

2. chatbots

Chatbots are replacing human conservation by machine. Through chatbots, companies are enhancing their customer communication.

Their are so many chatbots to integrate in social media pages and website for the communication with customer.

The chatbots can help companies to sell their product, reply to customer feedback. So it’s very important to integrate chatbots now to enhance your business.

3. Live feature

This option is very useful now a days. It’s available almost all social media channels.

You can live any event and exhibition on your social media channels, to get live response from your clients.

You can also set schedule for live streaming, so that your clients will know, when you will be on stream. These all cool features helps a business to engage more audience.

It’s very useful because you can answer to question from clients on time.

4. Social media influencer

Search out for local influencer, they can be a celebrity or any other public influencer person with millions of followers.

Hire them for the marketing of your services or product. so that, they promote your products on their channels.

5. Voice search Optimization

people are using using voice recognation feature such as google assistant on their smart phones or some people or use google’s elexa in their homes to make their search easy.

So, it’s important to compete with your competitors in this area, your website should be optimized for these features.

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